Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten

1.   Information about Izaak Reich Crystal s.r.o. 

1.1.   These rules for processing personal data of Izaak Reich Crystal s.r.o., ID No.: 09986189, with registered office at No. 95, 686 01 Stare Hute, registered in the Commercial Register under No. C 122003 with the Regional Court in Prague (hereinafter referred to as "IR") regulates the principles of processing personal data of visitors to the website, in particular its registered users (hereinafter referred to as "user") and IR customers who place an order through the website (hereinafter referred to as "customer").

1.2.   IR acts as a controller in the processing of personal data and thus determines for which purpose and by what means the processing of personal data will take place.

1.3.   IR can be contacted by email at [email protected] and by mobile phone at +420 603 888 312.

2.   What data do we process?

2.1.   Data provided by customers. At IR, we process personal data about users and customers. Primarily, the personal data you provide us when you register on the website or create your order is processed.

2.2.   This data includes, in particular, your email address and, in the case of customers, your name, address, telephone number, payment, login and identification details, information about the goods or services ordered, the contract and the performance of the contract. You may also include other information, such as your employment address, date of birth, or a note about possible delivery times.

2.3.   Google data. If you use Google to register, you will also be given IR access to your profile, date of birth, current location, and email address. Your Google profile includes your first and last name, place of residence, age category, gender, and other public information according to your preferences.

2.4.   Data collected through cookies. IR uses information about the goods our customers have purchased to target advertising campaigns and improve our product and service offerings. If you have enabled the storage of cookies in your browser and agree to their use, IR obtains data about your visit to the website, products viewed, and other activities..

2.5.   IR does not collect or otherwise process sensitive personal data, including information about your health, religion, or beliefs.

3.   For what purposes do we process the data?

3.1. We use your name, surname, and contact details to process your order, i.e., to fulfil the contract between IR and the customer. Data processing, in this case, includes all activities from the registration of the order and its processing, including payment and delivery of the ordered goods. In this case, the processing is based on the necessity for the performance of the contract and the necessity for the fulfilment of legal obligations. If the data is not provided, IR cannot process your order. By submitting an order from the online order form or registering as a customer, you confirm that you are aware of the privacy policy and accept it in its entirety.

3.2. IR primarily uses e-mail to offer our products to IR customers through commercial communications. The processing is carried out to pursue IR's legitimate interests through limited direct marketing. Therefore, IR does not require separate consent to send these commercial communications but allows you to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time or object to such processing. Please note that only persons over 15 may register with IR. You can also withdraw your consent anytime by clicking on the relevant link in each commercial communication or your user account settings. If you withdraw your consent, we will no longer use your data to send commercial communications or pursue IR's legitimate interests.

3.3. To facilitate and speed up the ordering process in IR, we use the data you have filled in during the registration on IR in your user profile or for a previous order. This information is used to simplify future purchases by pre-filling the order form. In this case, we process your personal identification, contact, login, and address data to determine what is necessary for the performance of the contract or what is required for the implementation of the measures taken before the conclusion of the agreement in the context of the management of your user account. The provision of this personal data in the user profile for pre-filling the order form on your part is entirely voluntary and does not affect the completion of your order. You can delete or modify the data in the user profile or the registration itself anytime.

3.4. For better targeting of advertising and promotions, IR processes use cookies, data about website visits, products viewed, and other activities on the website. The processing is only possible if you consent to use the relevant cookies. This consent is also completely voluntary. As a rule, IR obtains statistics, analyses, and reports on the behaviour of website users based on this data. Based on these data, it is then possible to better target advertising or adapt the website's content.

4.   Withdrawal of consent and cancellation of sending commercial communications

Commercial communications. Users and IR customers may unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications at any time by:

  • By clicking on the appropriate link located in the footer of each commercial communication; or
  • In the user account settings; or
  • Object to the processing of personal data by IR at [email protected] or through the other contacts listed in this policy.

Cookies. If you want to turn off the storage of cookies on your device, you can change the settings directly in your browser. If you disable IR from storing cookies, some parts of the website may not work correctly. 

5.   Who has access to the data?

5.1.   In the first instance, personal data is processed by IR and its staff. All persons having access to personal data are under an obligation of confidentiality, which continues after their cooperation with IR has ended.

5.2.   IR, as the controller, also entrusts other entities, such as processors, to process personal data. A processor is any entity that processes personal data for IR for the purposes and in the manner specified by IR. Where your consent is required for processing, we will only transfer data to processors if you have consented. We only pass on to processors the data they need to provide their services. The processors IR uses include:

  • PPL CZ s.r.o.
  • DHL Express (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
  • Google LLC (on-line marketing)
  • Facebook, Inc. (on-line marketing)
  •, a.s. (on-line marketing)
  • GOPAY s.r.o. (payment gateway)

6.   How long do we process the data?

6.1.   IR processes personal data to fulfil the contract throughout the order process, including payment and delivery of the goods. By law, IR subsequently retains specific data contained in accounting documents.

6.2.   Commercial communications are sent to users as long as they consent to receiving them. In the case of customers, commercial communications are sent until the customer unsubscribes or raises an objection against processing his data for this purpose. However, commercial communications are sent for a maximum period of 10 years. After that, IR will request a new consent.

6.3.   IR processes data collected for marketing purposes via cookies for as long as you consent to their use, i.e., as long as you allow the storage of cookies in your browser or until you object to their processing.

6.4.   Further processing of personal data beyond the time limits mentioned above is only carried out by IR if necessary to comply with the obligations arising from the legal regulations applicable to IR.

7.   What are your rights?

7.1.   About the processing of personal data, you can contact IR and request:

  • Provide information regarding the personal data that IR processes, the purpose and nature of the processing of personal data, and any recipients of personal data outside IR. General information about personal data processing activities is contained in this policy.
  • Access to the data you provided to IR, whether during registering or creating an order. If you exercise this right, IR will confirm whether and what specific personal data is being processed and, where applicable, will make this data available to you with information about the processing.
  • Correction of personal data if it is in any way inaccurate or incomplete. IR can process your order correctly only if the data is up to date.
  • Explanation and rectification (e.g. blocking, correction, completion or destruction of personal data) if you believe that IR processes personal data in violation of the protection of your personal and private life or breach of the law.
  • Erasure of personal data (the so-called right to be forgotten) or limited processing of personal data if they are no longer necessary for stated purposes or IR no longer has a legitimate reason to process the personal data, including if you do not consent to further processing. IR will delete your data, as a whole or in part, if these conditions are met.
  • Transfer your data in a commonly used format to you or another controller of your choice to automate the processing of personal data obtained based on your consent from IR to another entity.

7.2.   Furthermore, IR customers may object to the processing of personal data for sending commercial communications or evaluating shopping preferences, on the basis of which IR will immediately cease processing personal data for these purposes.

7.3. In addition to the aforementioned rights, you can always contact the Data Protection Authority with a complaint in case of a breach of IR's obligations.

8.   Security

8.1.   IR is committed to the security of your data. We handle personal data in full compliance with applicable laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

9.   Contact

If you have any comments regarding processing your personal data or wish to exercise your rights, you can contact IR by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at +420 603 888 312.

10.   Effectiveness

10.1.   This policy is effective from 1/6/2024.